“Self-control” is commonly understood to involve repressing or ignoring emotional reactions, leading to having a single response to a wide variety of situations. It often is linked to compliance to authority.
In contrast, the central concepts of self-regulation are self-awareness and the flexibility to assess and effectively respond to a wide variety of situations. It is based on decisions and actions made by a person, not on rules set by others. Sometimes a restrained or passive response is appropriate. At other times, the situation calls for passion and assertiveness. The goal of self-regulation is to be able to identify an effective state for the circumstances and to be able generate that emotional state as needed.
- self-reg.ca/infographic-self-reg-vs-self-control/
- www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/self-reg/201607/self-reg-self-regulation-vs-self-control
- www.edcan.ca/articles/self-regulation-calm-alert-and-learning/
- www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2016/07/07/484910409/why-its-self-reg-not-self-control-that-matters-most-for-kids